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Paris (75)
église Saint-Thomas-d'Aquin


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  11 disques  

 1 - David HIGGS [1], William PORTER [2], Hans DAVIDSSON [3]
   • The Craighead-Saunders Organ •
  • S. Kennedy : ”3-3-33” [1, 2, 3]
  • J. S. Bach : Sei gegrüßet, Jesu, gütig (a diverse Partite), BWV 768 [2]
  • K. P. E. Bach : Sonata in F Major, Wq 70/3 [3]
  • J. L. Krebs : Trio a 2 Claviere e Pedale in E-flat major [3]
  • J. C. Kittel : Praeludium VII in E-flat major, Praeludium VIII in E-flat major [1]
  • Félix Mendelssohn : Sonata I [1]
  • M. Herchenröder : Toccata and Lament [3]
- Rochester Christ Episcopal Church
- Disque Loft;, 2011
The Craighead-Saunders Organ in Christ Church, Rochester is the newest instrument in the collection at the Eastman School of Music. The organ is the result of an eight-year international research project documenting and copying the 1776 organ by Adam Gottlob Casparini (1715-1788) in the Holy Ghost Church in Vilnius, Lithuania, one of the best preserved late-baroque organs in all of Europe. After a thorough documentation of the original instrument, a team from GOArt, at Gothenburg University in Sweden, led by Mats Arvidsson and Munetaka Yokota, worked closely with the Eastman School of Music and a group of some of the finest organbuilders in America (Steven Dieck, Paul Fritts, Bruce Fowkes, Martin Pasi, and George Taylor) to produce the first research instrument after Casparini anywhere in the world, and the first large-scale historical reconstruction at this level in America.

 2 - David HIGGS [1], William PORTER [2], Hans DAVIDSSON [3], Jonathan WESSLER [4], Thatcher LYMAN [5], Stephen KENNEDY [6]
   • Mendelssohn Rarities •
  • Félix Mendelssohn : Allegro moderato maestoso [March] in C Major, MWV W44 [1], Andante in F Major, MWV W30 [1], Andante [with Variations] in D Major, MWV W32 [1], Andante - Sanft in D Major, MWV W6 [2], Allegro [Choral and Fugue] in D Minor/Major, MWV W33 [2], Andante con moto in G Minor, MWV W15 [5], Präludium in C Minor, MWV W28 [5], Präludium in D Minor, MWV W2 [4], Allegro in B-flat Major, MWV W47 [6], Nachspiel in D Major, MWV W12 [3],
  • Félix Mendelssohn : Sechs Sprüche (Op. 79); Aus tiefer Noth schrei ich zu dir (Op. 23. No. 1), MWV B20; Verleih uns Frieden, MWV A11; Aria (“Bei dir gilt nichts den Gnad’ und Gunst”); Choral (“Und ob es währt bis in die Nacht”)
- Rochester Christ Episcopal Church
- Disque Loft; LRCD 1119, 2010, 2012, Christ Church Schola Cantorum, David Baskeyfield orgue, dir. Stephen Kennedy
Sechs Sprüche (Op. 79)
4. Spruch #5, Im Advent, MWV B54 1:42
5. Spruch #1, Weihnachten, MWV B42 1:41
6. Spruch #2, Am Neujahrstage, MWV B44 3:04
7. Spruch #4, In der Passionszeit, MWV B50 1:58
8. Spruch #6, Am Charfreitage, MWV B52 1:44
9. Spruch #3, Am Himmelfahrstage, MWV B55 1:44

 3 - William PORTER
  • G. Böhm : Praeludium in g, Partita Freu dich sehr, o meine Seele, Capriccio in D
  • J. S. Bach : Praeludium et fuga in d BWV 539, Pièce d'Orgue BWV 572
  • J. G. Walther : Partita Jesu, meine Freude
- Tryserum
- Disque Loft; 1085, 2006
orgue Schiörlin (1785)

 4 - William PORTER
  • J. S. Bach : Chorals de l'Orgelbüchlein BWV 599, 610, 611, 616, 619, 625, 628, 632, 636, 638, 642
  • J. S. Bach : Chorals Neumeister BWV 1115, 1095, 1112, 1092, 957, 1090, 1116, Alla Breve BWV 589, Fugue BWV 946, Fantasia BWV 570
- Störmthal
- Disque Loft;, 2005
This recording and the Hildebrandt organ at Störmthal (1723) were used as part of the research process for an organ project at the ConstellationCenter in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The Center is planning a historically reproduced Bach/Hildebrandt-style organ built by Taylor and Boody Organbuilders of Virginia. A significant aspect of the research for this organ has included a study of all the extant Hildebrandt organs, including the organ at Störmthal.

Located in Cambridge, Massachusetts, the ConstellationCenter is slated to become one of the world’s finest performing arts centers, home to hundreds of small to mid-sized cultural organizations based in the Greater Boston area, as well as a venue for events of international prominence. The Center will include four halls within one building, each one designed to serve several different kinds of performances in a compatible way. Additional information about ConstellationCenter can be found at

 5 - Hans DAVIDSSON, David HIGGS, William PORTER
  • G. Frescobaldi : Toccata Quarta, Il secondo libro di toccate, Bergamasca
  • M. A. Rossi : Toccate e correnti d'intavolatura d'organo e cembalo,Toccata Quarta; Toccata Settima from Sonate d'intavolatura
  • D. Zipoli : All' Offertorio; All' Elevazione II; Al Post Communio; Pastorale
  • D. Scarlatti : Sonata in C Major
  • G. Gherardeschi : Sonata per organo a guisa di banda militare che suona una marcia
  • P. Quagliati : Toccata dell'Ottavo tuono
  • B. Pasquini : Ricercare e canzoni, Canzon II; Canzon XV; Ricercare con la fuga in più modi
- Rochester Memorial Art Gallery (Eastman Italian baroque organ)
- Disque Loft;, 2005

 6 - William PORTER
 • Music Sweet & Serious •
  • H. Scheidemann
  • J. Praetorius : Vater unser im Himmelreich, Was kann uns kommen an für Not, Praeambulum F, Magnificat primi toni
- Göteborg Örgryte Nya kyrka
- Disque Loft;, 2001

 7 - William PORTER
  • H. Scheidemann : Preambula WV 39, 73, Canzon WV 74, Gelobet seist du WV 60, Vom Himmel hoch WV 69, Lobet den Herren WV 13, Jesu wollst uns weisen WV 78, Christ lag in Todesbanden WV 3, O Gott wir danken deiner Güt WV 22, In dich hab'ich gehoffet WV 8, Dic nobis Maria WV 51, Toccata WV43
- Göteborg Örgryte Nya Kyrka
- Disque Loft;, 2001

 8 - William PORTER
  • J. L. Krebs : Clavierübung
- Gammalkil
- Disque Loft;, 2001

 9 - William PORTER
 • One of a Kind •
  • J. S. Bach : Pièces BWV 565, 727, 736, 533, 721, 709, 548, 653b, 582
- Tacoma Pacific Lutheran University
- Disque Loft;, 1999

 10 - William PORTER
  • N. Bruhns : Intégrale
  • J. N. Hanff : 6 Chorals
- Roskilde
- Disque Loft;, 1998

  11 disques  

Source: base de donnée discographique Alain CARTAYRADE

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