Guide de la Musique d'Orgue
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Benjamin ALARD

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- Prochain concert -
Samedi 13 Juillet
Sydney (Australie)
Opera House concert hall


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Organist (first Name Last Name)    Record title
Composer (NAME) Piece  Place / Church


Organ Music Guide-Book

The primary goal of this web site concerning organ music discography, is to serve musicians, editors, musicologists, organists, music-lovers.

Data base : 15976 discs
Last update : Jul 12, 2024

A link is available with the publisher/distributor to order CD listed in the search result.

Please use this website to communicate notes, new items, corrections, and suggestions to assist us in updating our site. Alain CARTAYRADE

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Source: database Alain CARTAYRADE

  Version imprimable   Version smartphone     © Alain Cartayrade 1999 - 2024