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Dimanche 20 Octobre
Metz (57)
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  3 disques  

 1 - Anders JOHNSSON [2], Kristian KROGSOE [1]
 • The Great Organ of Aarhus Cathedral •
  • P. Whitlock : Fanfare ( 4 Extemporizations) [1]
  • J. S. Bach : Partita BWV 768 [1]; Ciaccona in re minore dalla Partita II per violino solo BWV 1004 (tr. Ulisse Matthey) [2]
  • J.-B. Robin : Regard vers l’Aïr (2007) [1]
  • M. Dupré : Symphonie-Passion op. 23 (1921/1925) [1]
  • D. Buxtehude : Magnificat primi toni BuxWV 203 [2]
  • M. S. Wright : Lyric Rhapsody (1957) [2]
  • L. van Beethoven : Suite für eine Spieluhr WoO 33 (1799) arr. André Isoir [2]
  • C. Franck : 2e Choral en si mineur (1890) [2]
  • L. Boëllmann : Ronde Française Op. 37 (1896) arr. Gaston Choisnel [2]
  • L. Vierne : Naïades , Sicilienne , Toccata [2]
- Aarhus Dom
- Disque Danacord;, 2022-2023, 2CD
Th. Frobenius & Sons de 1928.
Restored and enlarged 2018-20 Marcussen & Søn Orgelbyggeri A/S (& Flentrop).

After having invited six international organ builders to offer, Marcussen & Søn (DK) was finally chosen to be the responsible organ builder. Director Claudia Zachariassen was in charge of the planning and participated in negotiations about construction and finances along with workshop manager Hans Ulrick Hansen. Bernd Lorenzen had the technical responsibility, and chief voicer Jens Christensen was responsible for the immense pipework. A tragedy that casts a shadow over the working process was the fact that Jens was diagnosed with cancer in 2018. He continued working until the summer of 2019 when his strength no longer sufficed. He passed away on September 11, 2019, and by that time working with the pipework had understandably been delayed.

The thought of missing Jens’ enthusiasm for the project was difficult, and the positive energy and vast experience he added to all the preparatory work were invaluable. The situation after the death of Jens was sad and somewhat critical, but after constructive discussions, Claudia Zachariassen initiated a collaboration with the Dutch firm Flentrop Orgelbouw and their chief voicer Dick Koomans. Together with Jens’ successors Stefan Paulsen and Daniel S. Christensen (who is also a co-owner and sales director at Marcussen & Søn) he had a highly successful collaboration, where a good working atmosphere and complementary skills resulted in a brilliant tonal outcome. Daniel also completed the organization of the pipework after which he let it restore and reconstruct as historically accurate as possible.

 2 - Kristian KROGSOE
   • A Tribute to J.S. Bach •
  • J. S. Bach : Sinfonia BWV 29 (Tr Guilmant), Chaconne BWV 1004 (tr Middelschulte), Echo de Partita in B BWV 831 (tr Karg-Elert), Inventions BWV 777 et 783 (tr Reger)
  • F. Liszt : Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen
  • M. Reger : Fantasia and Fugue on BACH, Op. 46
- Aarhus Dom
- Disque Danacord;, 2016

 3 - Kristian KROGSOE
  • M. Duruflé : Requiem, Motets [1]
  • M. Duruflé : Intégrale de l'oeuvre d'orgue [2]
- Aarhus Dom
- Disque Danacord;, 2010 [1], 2012 [2], Bo Skovhus, Baryton - Randi Stene, Soprano, Henrik Brendstrup, Cello, Aarhus Cathedral Choir and Vocal Group Concert Clemens, dir. Carsten Seyer-Hansen

  3 disques  

Source: base de donnée discographique Alain CARTAYRADE

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