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Mardi 11 Mars
Annecy (73)


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  2 disques  

 1 - Thomas HEYWOOD
   • Victorian Virtuosity •
  • F. Scotson Clark : Marche aux Flambeaux, Chorus of Angels, Roman March, Gavotte Française, Pilgrams’ March, Menuet à la Pompadour, Melody in A , Grand Offertoire in G, Marche des Jacobins, Douce Pensée , Commemoration March, Melody in D, Gavotte de la Dauphine, Vienna March, Magnificat (Chant, Nine Interludes and Amen), Marche Hollandaise, Improvisation in G , Russian March, Meditation in B-flat, Festal March
- Tenbury St-Michael's Church and all Angels
- Disque Pro Organo;, 2010
The wonderfully-maintained 4-manual 1873 ’Father’ Willis Organ at St Michael's Church, Tenbury, England is essentially in its original 1873 tonal condition, and in the same mechanical condition as when rebuilt in 1916. It was maintained and tuned for this recording by Trevor G. Tipple. The music is from the catalog of organ works by The Rev. Frederick Scotson Clark (1840-1883).

 2 - James MCVINNIE
  • S. S. Wesley : Choral Song, Voluntary, Pieces, Bells
- Tenbury St-Michael's Church and all Angels
- Disque Naxos;, 12 oct. 2006
Father Henry Willis Organ of St Michael and All Angels, Tenury Wells, Worcestershire, UK.

1 Introduction And Fugue In C-Sharp Minor (Revised Version) (1869) 7:44
2 Larghetto In F-Sharp Minor (From Three Pieces For A Chamber Organ, II) (1842-3) 5:52
3 Voluntary (Grave And Andante) (1872) 5:20
4 Andante Cantabile In G Major (1864) 4:20
5 Andante In E-Flat Major (From Three Pieces For A Chamber Organ, II) (1842-3) 4:14
6 Andante In F Major (From Three Pieces For A Chamber Organ, I) (1842) 7:55
7 Andante In C Major (1872) From The Musical Standard 4:53
8 Andante In E Minor (1877) 4:31
9 Holsworthy Church Bells (Air With Variations) 5:26
10 Choral Song (From Three Pieces For A Chamber Organ, I) (1842) 7:14

  2 disques  

Source: base de donnée discographique Alain CARTAYRADE

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