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Dimanche 1 Septembre
Montpellier (34)


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  1 disque  

 1 - Gustav LEONHARDT
   • Orgues authentiques de la Renaissance et de l'ère baroque -Allemagne du nord •
  • P. Attaingnant : Gaillarde in F [3]
  • G. Böhm : Auf meinen lieben Gott [1], Christum wir sollen loben schon [1]; Ach wie nichtig, ach wie flüchtig [2]
  • D. Buxtehude : Praeludium und fuge a moll BuxWV 153 [1], Toccata G dur BuxWV 164 [2]
  • P. Hofhaimer : Carmen (1548) [3], Ach reine zart [3], Pavan n°26 [3]
  • H. Scheidemann : Galliarda in d [4], Praeambulum n°4 [5], Variationen über Herr Christ, der einig' Gottessohn n°12 [5], Toccata in G [5], Variationen über Christ lag in Todesbanden n°3 [5], Praeambulum n°5 [5]
  • M. Schildt : Magnificat primi toni [1], Allein Gott in der Höh [2], Praeambulum in G [4]
  • F. Sicher : In durci jubilo, Resorte in laudibus, Passamezzo-Galliard n°2 [3]
  • P. Siefert : Paduana in F [4]
  • T. Tallis : Ex more docti [Mullinerbook [3]
- Stade St-Cosmae [1], Ochtersum Reformierte kirche [2], Rysum [3], Uttum Reformierte kirche [Pauluskirche; 4], Marienhafe Marienkirche [5]
- Disque Philips-Seon, 1973, 1976, 2CD.

Church of Saints Cosmas and Damian (St. Cosmae-Nicolai), Stade (Organ Built by B. Hus/A. Schnitger c. 1669/1688, restored by Ahrend c.1975)

Church of St. Maternus (St.-Materniani-Kirche),Ochtersum (Organ built by C. Klausing c. 1734, restored by Ahrend c. 1973)

Reformed Church, Rysum (Organ possibly built by Harmannus of Groningen c. 1457, restored by Ahrend c. 1960)

Reformed church, Uttum (Organ built by Anonymous Dutch builder c. 1660 using 16th century pipes, restored by Ahrend c. 1957)

St. Mary's Church (Marienkirche), Marienhafe (Organ built by G. von Holy c. 1713, restored by Ahrend c. 1966)

  1 disque  

Source: base de donnée discographique Alain CARTAYRADE

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