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Samedi 14 Septembre
Rucqueville (14)


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Organiste (prénom NOM)    Titre du disque
Compositeur (NOM) Oeuvre  Lieu / Eglise


  2 disques  

 1 - Vincent THÉVENAZ
   • Le chant de l'âme, dialogues avec le ciel •
  • M. Ravel : Kaddisch (1914)
  • V. Thévenaz : Improvisations
  • J. Achron : Hebrew Melody op. 33 (1911)
  • M. Lavry : Three Jewish Dances op. 192 (1945)
  • P. Ben-Haim : Sonate en sol majeur op. 44 (1951)
  • E. Bloch : Baal Shem (Three Pictures od Chassidix Life, 1923)
- Château d'Oex temple
- Disque , 2012, Bianca Favez violon
orgue Manufacture de St-Martin, 2006.
Infos :

 2 - Florence MUSTRIC
   • East of Berlin •
  • M. Moussorgski : Tableaux d'une exposition (Pictures at an Exhibition, Transc. Mustric)
  • P. Ben-Haim : Prelude
  • M. Sokola : Toccata
  • P. Süda : Prelude & Fugue in g
- Cleveland Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church
- Disque MSR;, 2007
Beckerath organ built in 1956 for Cleveland, Ohio’s Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church.
This historic organ was the first large mechanical-action organ in North America. It was built in 1956 in Hamburg, Germany by Rudolph von Beckerath, who crafted it in the tradition of the organs of northern Europe in the Baroque era. With this organ, Beckerath demonstrated that centuries-old techniques of organ-building produce a beautiful sound that is transparent and powerful yet warm. Ideal for Baroque repertoire, this organ also serves music of many other styles and periods. It has inspired more than one generation of builders, organists and music lovers. This organ has 3,467 pipes arrayed in 65 ranks in five divisions.

  2 disques  

Source: base de donnée discographique Alain CARTAYRADE

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