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Michel CHAPUIS [1]
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15 discs
A cycle of eighteen poetic movements
Félix Mendelssohn
: 6 Sonates op. 65
- Gammalkil
- Disque Loft; LRCD 1166,
Août 2016
orgue Schiörlin, 1806
2 - Martin HERCHENRÖDER [1], Christian SCHMITT [2], Hans DAVIDSSON [3]
Linien aus Nachtlicht - Organ Works
M. Herchenröder
: Zeit Raum II - Fantasie ”Sonnenton - Sturmerscheinung” (2001/2008) [2 ]; Zeit Raum I; Ad fontes - Praeludium ”Sterngezwitscher” (1996) [1 ]; Zeit Raum I; Ad fontes - Intonation ”Traumwandlungen” (1996) [1 ]; Zeit Raum I; Ad fontes - Orgel-Punkte ”Mondschwere - Erdfinsternis” (1996) [ 1]; Zeit Raum II - Hymnus ”Lichtklang - Schattenspur” (2001/2008) [2 ]; Zeit Raum II - Trio ”Windgesang” (2001/2008) [3 ]; Zeit Raum II - Ricercare ”Himmelsatem” (2001/2008) [3 ]; Paul-Klaa-Blatt III - Linien aus Nachtlicht (1991) [1 ]; Toccata und Lament (2008) [3 ]; Paul-Klaa-Blatt V - Meerleuchten (2011) [2]
- Pitea Studio Acusticum
- Disque Neos (,
2014 (660)
orgue Woehl
G. Böhm
: intégrale pour orgue
- Göteborg Örgryte Nya kyrka
- Disque Loft; LRCD-1133-35,
2013, 3CDS (670)
CD 1
Præludium in d minor [5:46]
Vater unser im Himmelreich: Versus 1 à 2 claviers manualiter [3:22]
Vater unser im Himmelreich: Versus 2 à 1 clavier con pédale [5:10]
Vater unser im Himmelreich: Cantus firmus in Ped [4:37]
Christe der du bist Tag und Licht [9:31]
Erhalt uns, Herr, bei deinem Wort [3:21]
Præludium in F [3:49]
Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu dir [6:00]
Christum wir sollen loben schon [2:40]
Herr Jesu Christ, dich zu uns wend [11:57]
CD 2
Præludium in C [5:16]
Partita über die Arie: Jesu du bist allzu schöne [15:12]
Nun bitten wir den heilgen Geist [3:34]
Auf meinen lieben Gott [11:11]
Capriccio in D [6:09]
Christ lag in Todesbanden: auf 2 Clav. con pedale [4:00]
Christ lag in Todesbanden: Fantasia [5:55]
Treuer Gott, ich muß Dich klagen/Freu dich sehr, o meine Seele [17:45]
CD 3
Allein gott in der Höh sei Ehr [5:21]
Ach wie nichtig, ach wie flüchtig [12:25]
A Second Fugue on the Prelude in a minor [6:08]
Wer nur den lieben Gott lässt walten [8:56]
Vom Himmel hoch da komm ich her [3:10]
Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ: Choral and Partita 1-5 [5:57]
Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ: auf 2. Clav. et Pedale [3:32]
Præludium in g minor - Chaconne in G [12:39]
4 - David HIGGS [1], William PORTER [2], Hans DAVIDSSON [3]
The Craighead-Saunders Organ
S. Kennedy
: ”3-3-33” [1, 2, 3]
J. S. Bach
: Sei gegrüßet, Jesu, gütig (a diverse Partite), BWV 768 [2]
K. P. E. Bach
: Sonata in F Major, Wq 70/3 [3]
J. L. Krebs
: Trio a 2 Claviere e Pedale in E-flat major [3]
J. C. Kittel
: Praeludium VII in E-flat major, Praeludium VIII in E-flat major [1]
Félix Mendelssohn
: Sonata I [1]
M. Herchenröder
: Toccata and Lament [3]
- Rochester Christ Episcopal Church
- Disque Loft;,
The Craighead-Saunders Organ in Christ Church, Rochester is the newest instrument in the collection at the Eastman School of Music. The organ is the result of an eight-year international research project documenting and copying the 1776 organ by Adam Gottlob Casparini (1715-1788) in the Holy Ghost Church in Vilnius, Lithuania, one of the best preserved late-baroque organs in all of Europe. After a thorough documentation of the original instrument, a team from GOArt, at Gothenburg University in Sweden, led by Mats Arvidsson and Munetaka Yokota, worked closely with the Eastman School of Music and a group of some of the finest organbuilders in America (Steven Dieck, Paul Fritts, Bruce Fowkes, Martin Pasi, and George Taylor) to produce the first research instrument after Casparini anywhere in the world, and the first large-scale historical reconstruction at this level in America.
5 - David HIGGS [1], William PORTER [2], Hans DAVIDSSON [3], Jonathan WESSLER [4], Thatcher LYMAN [5], Stephen KENNEDY [6]
Mendelssohn Rarities
Félix Mendelssohn
: Allegro moderato maestoso [March] in C Major, MWV W44 [1], Andante in F Major, MWV W30 [1], Andante [with Variations] in D Major, MWV W32 [1], Andante - Sanft in D Major, MWV W6 [2], Allegro [Choral and Fugue] in D Minor/Major, MWV W33 [2], Andante con moto in G Minor, MWV W15 [5], Präludium in C Minor, MWV W28 [5], Präludium in D Minor, MWV W2 [4], Allegro in B-flat Major, MWV W47 [6], Nachspiel in D Major, MWV W12 [3],
Félix Mendelssohn
: Sechs Sprüche (Op. 79); Aus tiefer Noth schrei ich zu dir (Op. 23. No. 1), MWV B20; Verleih uns Frieden, MWV A11; Aria (“Bei dir gilt nichts den Gnad’ und Gunst”); Choral (“Und ob es währt bis in die Nacht”)
- Rochester Christ Episcopal Church
- Disque Loft; LRCD 1119,
2010, 2012, Christ Church Schola Cantorum, David Baskeyfield orgue, dir. Stephen Kennedy
Sechs Sprüche (Op. 79)
4. Spruch #5, Im Advent, MWV B54 1:42
5. Spruch #1, Weihnachten, MWV B42 1:41
6. Spruch #2, Am Neujahrstage, MWV B44 3:04
7. Spruch #4, In der Passionszeit, MWV B50 1:58
8. Spruch #6, Am Charfreitage, MWV B52 1:44
9. Spruch #3, Am Himmelfahrstage, MWV B55 1:44
Buxtehude and the Schnitger Organ
D. Buxtehude
: intégrale vol.3 - Pièces BuxWV 136, 186, 192, 148, 191, 177, 144, 183, 141, 178, 159, 174, 184, 164, 172, 142, 138, 200, 166, 199, 160, 142, 181, 150, 187, 212, 158, 175, 180, 141, 146, 168, 195, 76, 194, 146, 169, 210, Klaglied
- Göteborg Örgryte Nya kyrka
- Disque Loft;,
2007, 3CDs, Anna Jobrandt, soprano; Jan Börjesson, bass
Articles (à lire sur le site :
An imagined conversation: Buxtehude and Schnitger: 1687
An imagined conversation: Buxtehude and Bach in Lübeck 1705: Registration, the North German organ concept, and the music on this volume
Arp Schnitger: Baroque pioneer and modern global phenomenon
What is Mean-tone Temperament?
The Bach Perspective
D. Buxtehude
: Intégrale vol. 2 - BuxWV 138, 200, 166, 199, 160, 142, 181, 150, 187, 212, 158, 175, 180, 141, 136, 186, 192, 148, 191, 177, 144, 183, 178, 159, 174, 184, 164, 172, 142
- Göteborg Örgryte Nya kyrka
- Disque Loft;,
2007, 2CDs
Buxtehude and the Meantone organ
D. Buxtehude
: Intégrale vol. 1- BuxWV 137, 171, 152, 167, 211, 188, 189, 209, 149, 208, 179, 163, 223, 139, 140, 196, 147, 219, 157, 207, 153, 218, 161, 155
- Göteborg Örgryte Nya kyrka
- Disque Loft;,
2006, vol.1, 2CDs
Très bel enregistrement sur un orgue neuf dans le style Schnitger.
Articles sur l'analyse des oeuvres et l'interprétation sur le site
9 - Hans DAVIDSSON, David HIGGS, William PORTER
G. Frescobaldi
: Toccata Quarta, Il secondo libro di toccate, Bergamasca
M. A. Rossi
: Toccate e correnti d'intavolatura d'organo e cembalo,Toccata Quarta; Toccata Settima from Sonate d'intavolatura
D. Zipoli
: All' Offertorio; All' Elevazione II; Al Post Communio; Pastorale
D. Scarlatti
: Sonata in C Major
G. Gherardeschi
: Sonata per organo a guisa di banda militare che suona una marcia
P. Quagliati
: Toccata dell'Ottavo tuono
B. Pasquini
: Ricercare e canzoni, Canzon II; Canzon XV; Ricercare con la fuga in più modi
- Rochester Memorial Art Gallery (Eastman Italian baroque organ)
- Disque Loft;,
M. Weckmann
: Intégrale
- Göteborg Örgryte Nya kyrka
- Disque Loft;,
2003, Schola Gothia, U. Heider
15 discs
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