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5 discs
1 - Michele SAVINO
C. Saint-Saëns
: Intégrale pour orgue
- Emmendingen, Forchheim St-Johannes der Täufer Kirche
- Disque BRILLIANT;,
Sept. 2020, fevr. 2021, 4CDs
Welte Organ, Roman Catholic Church of Saint Boniface, Emmendingen (De)
Forster Andrews Organ, Roman Catholic Church of Saint John the Baptist, Forchheim (De)
Disk 1
Camille Saint-Saëns: Fantaisie No. 1 in E-Flat Major
Camille Saint-Saëns: Bénédiction nuptiale in F Major, Op. 9
Camille Saint-Saëns: 3 Rhapsodies on Bretons Themes, Op. 7:
Camille Saint-Saëns: Theme, Variations & Choral on le dies irae
Camille Saint-Saëns: Fantaisie No. 2 in D-Flat Major, Op. 101
Disk 2
Camille Saint-Saëns: Marche religieuse in F Major, Op. 107
Camille Saint-Saëns: Offertoire
Camille Saint-Saëns: 9 Pieces for Organ or Harmonium: I. Marche – Cortège
II. Interlude – Fugué III. Offertoire IV. Procession V. Elévation VI. Offertoire VII. Ave verum VIII. Offertoire IX. Elévation
Camille Saint-Saëns: Prélude in F Major
Camille Saint-Saëns: Verset No. 1 in E Minor
Camille Saint-Saëns: Verset No. 2 in in F Major – Andante
Camille Saint-Saëns: Élévation, or Communion in E Major, Op. 13
Camille Saint-Saëns: Prélude in C Major
Disk 3
Camille Saint-Saëns: Cyprès, Op. 156
Camille Saint-Saëns: Choral - Prélude sur o salutaris hostia
Camille Saint-Saëns: Prelude in C Minor
Camille Saint-Saëns: Fantaisie No. 3 in C Major, Op. 157
Camille Saint-Saëns: 3 Préludes and Fugues, Op. 99: I.
Camille Saint-Saëns: 3 Préludes and Fugues, Op. 99: II. Prélude in B Major
Camille Saint-Saëns: 3 Préludes and Fugues, Op. 99: III. Prélude in E-Flat
Disk 4
Camille Saint-Saëns: 3 Préludes and Fugues, Op. 109: I. Prélude in D Minor
Camille Saint-Saëns: 3 Préludes and Fugues, Op. 109: II. Prélude in G Major
Camille Saint-Saëns: 3 Préludes and Fugues, Op. 109: III. Prélude in C Major
Camille Saint-Saëns: 7 Improvisations, Op. 150: I. Molto lento
Camille Saint-Saëns: 7 Improvisations, Op. 150: II. Feria pentecostes
Camille Saint-Saëns: 7 Improvisations, Op. 150: III. Poco adagio
Camille Saint-Saëns: 7 Improvisations, Op. 150: IV. Allegretto
Camille Saint-Saëns: 7 Improvisations, Op. 150: V. Pro martyribus
Camille Saint-Saëns: 7 Improvisations, Op. 150: VI. pro defunctis
Camille Saint-Saëns: 7 Improvisations, Op. 150: VII. Allegro giocoso
2 - Ullrich BÖHME
Die Orgeln von Gottfried Silbermann, vol. 5, en 8 livres-Cd
J. Pachelbel
: Variationen über ”Ach was soll ich Sünder machen”, Fuga d-Moll, Fuga g-Moll, Fuga D-Dur, Ciacona f-Moll [1];
J. Kuhnau
: Suonata prima -”Der Streit zwischen David und Goliath” [2];
J. G. Walther
: Drei Choralvorspiele ‘Nun bitten wir den heiligen Geist', ‘Mache dich, mein Geist, bereit', ‘Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan' (2 Verse), Concerto h-Moll ”del Signr. Vivaldi appropriato all Organo” [3];
G. Böhm
: Choralbearbeitung ”Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr” (verzierte Fassung von J. G. Walther), Christe, der du bist Tag und Licht, Aria ”Vater unser im Himmelreich” (verzierte Fassung von J. G. Walther), Praeludium und Fuge C-Dur [4]
- Forchheim [1], Pfaffroda [2], Nassau [3], Ponitz [4]
- Disque Querstand; VKJK 0302,
3 - Hubert MEISTER
J. S. Bach
: 6 Sonates en trio BWV 525-530
- Grosshartmannsdorf, Forchheim
- Disque Motette;,
orgues G. Silbermann
4 - Werner JACOB
J. S. Bach
: Intégrale - Orgelbüchlein- BWV 599-612 [4], 613-622 [1], 623-632, 634 [2], 633, 635-644 [3]
J. S. Bach
: Pièces BWV 544, 562, 563, 533 [1], 534, 585, 531, 583 [2], 551, 587, 590, 549 [4], 546, 586, 598, 584, 724, 703, 698 [3]
- Forchheim [2], Grosshartmannsdorf [3], Ponitz [1], Rötha Georgenkirche [4]
- Disque EMI; Eterna,
1979 [1] , 1980 [2], 1983 [3, 4] CD (320)
5 - Werner JACOB
J. S. Bach
: Intégrale
- Arlesheim Dom, Haarlem Bavokerk, Stralsund Marienkirche, Ponitz, Rötha Georgenkirche, Forchheim, Steinkirchen, Cappel, Zwolle Michaelskerk, Alkmaar Laurenskerk, Grosshartmannsdorf, Freiberg Dom, Strasbourg St-Thomas, Meisenheim, Ebersmunster, Gouda, Brandenburg Dom
- Disque EMI; Eterna,
1970-1983, 16CDs (320, 476)
Andreas Silbermann organ at the Abteikirche in Ebersmünster
Recorded: 21-22.X.1970 @ 1971
Johann Andreas Silbermann organ at the cathedral in Arlesheim
Recorded: 26-28.X.1970 @ 1971 et 1985 (chorals Yale)
Recorded : 1970
Franz Caspar Schnitger organ at the Grote of St. Michielskerk in Zwolle
Recorded: 2-3.VIII.1973 @ 1985 @1976
Christian Müller organ at the St. Bavo Kerk in Haarlem
Recorded: 22-25.X.1973 @ 1985
Schnitzer organ in Alkmaaar
Jean-François Moreau organ in Gouda
Recorded: 3-7.VI.1974 @ 1985
Joachim Wagner organ at the cathedral in Brandenburg
Recorded: 24-29.VIII.1975 @ 1977
Friedrich Stellwagen organ at the Marienkirche in Stralsund
Recorded: 1-5.IX.1975 @1977
Zacharias Hildebrandt, 1723 in Störmthal
Recorded : 1976
Zacharias Hildebrandt organ at the Wenzelskirche in Naumburg
Recorded: 23-27.VIII.1976 @ 1985
Albert Antonius Hirsch in Kampen
Recorded : 1977
Gottfried Silbermann in Freiberg Dom
Recorded in 1978
Gottfried Silbermann organ in Ponitz
Recorded: 23-27.VIII.1979 @ 1985
Angermünde Marienkirche
Recorded : 1979
Gottfried Silbermann in Forscheim
Recorded 1980
Johann Andreas Silbermann organ at the Kirche St. Thomas in Strasbourg
Recorded: 30.VIII-4.IX.1982 @1985
Arp Schnitger organ in Steinkirchen
Recorded: 15-19.VIII.1983 @1985
Gottfried Silbermann In Marienkirche Rötha
Recorded in 1983
Gottfried Silbermann in Grosshartmannsdorf
Recorded 1983
Arp Schnitter organ in Cappel
Recorded 1984
5 discs
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